Robert Pattinson, Edward Cullen, Clarisle, Rosalie, Jasper, Kristen Stewart, and Bella Swan.
These are only a few names that are repeated in my mind over && over again. Why am i so hooked into this magical world where ve
getarian vampires exist an
d werewolves roam the forests in Forks, Washington? Maybe because i think we ( girls ) can relate to Bella. She is different. The main message i got from the books & movie i felt was that it is okay to be different. It is okay for Edward, a vampire, to go against his own kind and not kill humans. It is okay for Bella Swan to be alone because she likes it. And it is okay to go after what you love and risk everything for it. (Bella wanting to be turned into a vampire so she can be with Edward.)
These books hooked me about a year ago and when all the hype suddenly emerged i admit, i started hating the books & the soon to be movie. I didn't want to be obsessed with another mainstream thing, another "hot" trend this moment and out the next. But i came to terms i couldn't resist anymore just like Edward can't resist Bella. It is okay for me to be complet
ely & utterly obsessed with Robert Pattinson and his AMAZING hair. I have fallen in l
ove yet again with the whole "Twilight" phenomenon.
MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: What lures you to LOVE "Twilight"?
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Robert Aka Edward.
I am still waiting for youu. . . . .or any other vampire out there, but i would perfer Edward.
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Bella: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward: Yeah. Um..I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can google it.