A look back in photos, 'my 2008' :

I just had to post one more 2008 blog.
This year was a good year; I am doing a personal recap:
January 08: the obsession of Twilight, got a new puppy 'Phoebe' sadly after 'Starbaby' got sick.
Feburary 08: Jonas concert
March 08: Miley's youtube && rediscovering the Veronicas
April 08: Bon Jovi Concert with my dad, one of the best nights of my life
May 08: Started planning for Omaha/Jonas trip && David Cook from my hometown won American Idol
June 08: Dance recital; "When I grow Up i wanna be FAMOUSS*"
July 08: Stayed in the same hotel as Taylor Swift & Jonas. Jonas Concert..one of the best trips of my life
August 08: Ozarks. Batman: Dark Knight. Olympics. Taylor Swift's 'Change' brought me to tears
September 08: Discovered I was a lot more artsy than preppy. Loved Coheed & Cambria
October 08: Halloween Party, met some uhm..interesting people. Jonas obsession fading..
November 08: First date. Twilight movie. Thanksgiving and partying it up on the plazaa*
December 08: Jonas obsession BACK! Shopping malls. Noodles && Company. Snow greeted me. I love cold weather. && Bristol. =)
Tonight: Party to wish 2008 a farewell. It was a good year. Way better than 2007. I am sad to see it go. HAPPY NEW YEARS THOUGH*