Bollywood bad boy Aamir Khan latest news of, he is being roped in as the main villain in Dhoom 3 has already been applauded by the fans of the Dhoom franchise. A number of top actresses, namely Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone, were rumored to be in contention to bag the role of Aamir’s lady love. Not anymore! we hear that the Yash Raj Films, the banner behind the film, is keen to rope in a new girl opposite Aamir. Aditya Chopra, the producer, has reported been going through the profiles of several PYTs and is identity not revealed zeroed down on a pretty and lithe damsel. The girl, her identity not revealed yet, will be required to don bikini outfits and even share a passionate kiss with Aamir in a scene in the film. Buzz is that the girl is already housed in at Yash Raj studios and is being diligently trained for her role in the film. Dhoom 3 will again see the return of Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra as the copper and his funny sidekick.
Aamir Khan Latest News: Dhoom 3 Movie Main Villain Aamir
Bollywood bad boy Aamir Khan latest news of, he is being roped in as the main villain in Dhoom 3 has already been applauded by the fans of the Dhoom franchise. A number of top actresses, namely Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone, were rumored to be in contention to bag the role of Aamir’s lady love. Not anymore! we hear that the Yash Raj Films, the banner behind the film, is keen to rope in a new girl opposite Aamir. Aditya Chopra, the producer, has reported been going through the profiles of several PYTs and is identity not revealed zeroed down on a pretty and lithe damsel. The girl, her identity not revealed yet, will be required to don bikini outfits and even share a passionate kiss with Aamir in a scene in the film. Buzz is that the girl is already housed in at Yash Raj studios and is being diligently trained for her role in the film. Dhoom 3 will again see the return of Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra as the copper and his funny sidekick.