With a newspaper having carried false statements never made by Dhanush he set out to clear a few things this morning to his tweet buddies. He explained that although the date isn�t confirmed on Superstar's return, he�ll be just on time for everything.
And he went on to add that, the film he is currently working on with his brother, Selvaraghavan, where he is cast opposite Richa Gangopadhyay, is not titled 'Irandam Ulagam'!
He said, "First of all, Selva's film is not called 'Irandam Ulagam,' and I ain't playing a doctor." He also expressed that, he has written a couple of songs for this Selva's project and has crooned for a couple of tracks as well.
So what about his 'Venghai' that has recently hit the news? "And 'Venghai' will release soon, sooner than you think. God bless," he signs off.
We'll get back to you shortly with the latest details on Dhanush's project with Selvaraghavan and Richa Gangopadhyay...