Sneha while speaking to the media said,” The director has said that the film Bhavani in which I have done the lead role is being released this December. I am currently acting with Sarathkumar in Vidiyal and Ponnar Shankar which has Prasanna in the lead role.
I am also acting with Nagarjuna in a Telugu film. I want to act in good films. I don’t have any other ambitions. After Autograph, I am yet to get a good film. Only the director and the producer should answer to this question.
For the last ten years I have not acted in glamour roles. In future also I will not act in glamour roles. My favourite actor is Kamal Haasan. Radhika is my favourite actress. I love Rajni’s style. I want to act with him at least in one film. I don’t know politics. So I don’t have the intention of coming into politics.
I will not campaign for any of the political parties during the ensuing assembly elections. I have not thought of marriage. For time being I am concentrating only in acting. My marriage will take place at the appropriate time. I will later on tell whether my marriage will be an arranged one or a love marriage.”