Poorna who is currently acting in Vithagan, Droghi, Naran, Aadupuli and Vellore Mavattam simultaneously said that she is not interested in Malayalam films though she is from Kerala. While speaking she said,” In Tamil films there will be two schedules but in Malayalam the film will be completed in a single schedule.
So there is difficulty in acting in both the language films. Presently I am concentrating in Tamil films. After getting a place for me here, I will act in Malayalam films. Many are asking me shy I am refusing glamour roles. I am not against glamour. Glamour costumes will not suit my physique.
When I am not able enjoy myself, there is no point in asking the audience to take pleasure in my physique. I will act with the dresses that are suitable for me. Some modern dresses will be suitable for me. There is no problem acting with these dresses.
Instead of becoming a commercial actress who makes money I want to act in good roles and earn the fame. There is news that Malayalam actresses are stubborn when it comes to their salary matters. I don’t know about others. I am not like that. I have never demanded that I want Rs 15 Lakhs or Rs 25 Lakhs.
What I tell them is give me the role and see my skill and pay accordingly. Not only now, even if I go to the top I will follow this policy. With regard to junior Asin title, Vijay in a function mentioned that I look like Asin. I am thankful to him. Some people say I have the shade of Shreya. I dint know whether this is a plus or minus to me. But in acting there will be Poorna’s shade only.”