The story of Viraivu Perundhu, which is produced by Shree Bannari Amman Team Works, revolves around an express bus that begins its journey in Chidambaram and ends in Chennai. Yuvan and Abinitha play the lead roles in this film and Muraliraj plays the villain.Viraivu Perundhu has been shot in various locations in Bhavani, Pulampatti, Nedumkulam, Kumarapalyam, Chennai and Kancheepuram. This film is directed by Shenthi Swhamynhathan, who is also in charge of the story, screenplay and dialogues. GK Ravi Kumar is the director of photography. Jean Huret has scored the music for Viraivu Perundhu.Lyrics have been penned by Tamilamudan, Jayamurasu, Vasantharaja, and Kochandran. Art is by Saimani, editing is by Parivallal, stunts are by M. Manohar, dances choreographed by Sri Karun, Sivakumar, Uma, Rock Shankar, design by Urumi Studio Veera. Viraivu Perundhu’s music will be launched by the end of August and the film will be released in October.